Rajesh Kanhar
2 min readFeb 28, 2021


A Mobile phone can be said one of the greatest inventions by mankind. It was originally invented to makecommunicationeasier and faster. However, today’s mobile phone became more advanced. 21st century came with the greatest boon and bane of socalled smartphone . It provides a large number of utilies such as calculator, calender, alaram, text messaging, e-mail,voice recorder, news feed, easy access to social media and the most important one is internet browsing. Hence the number of smartphone users have increased dramatically across the world in these days. There is no age limit for smart phone fans. Even a small kid knowes how to operate a smart phone.

The effect of smart phone on childrens academy is very much noticeable. They engage themselves in playing games, chatting etc than spending time for their studies. It is the only reason for poor academic performance. As mobile phones are keeping the brain continuosly busy without any rest kids become more violent and irritated even doing normal disscussion. This hampers their social life. The worst thing is that children stop communicating with the family all together. This has become a reason of distress parents as they are not able to convince their kids for limited usage of smartphone and they themselves became the victim of addiction. Even innocent kids unware of negative consequences of tew apps of self harming games like Bluewhale, Momo, PUBG, and many more. There have been a number of suicide case reported in india because of these days.

Now, it’s the time that the whole world should start taking preventation to stop our next generation from being addicted of smartphone. It should be started from the family members. The parents should engage their children in innovative activities like painting, dancing, singing etc. Working parents should spend a quality time with their kid to say connected to the real world. The kids should be aware of the negative impact of smart phone.

To summarize, the smart phone is truly a greatest gift for mankind. As it often said that too much of anything is bad. We should use it as much as it is required. We can also say that control usage makes it a bane. Now its we who will decide whether it’s a Boon and Bane.

Originally published at on February 28, 2021.

